The Internet Is A Rough Place To Be…
In the last couple of decades, we have made incredible progress in adopting the Internet into our lives and businesses. Our lives have changed so much compared to only 10 years ago. From online banking to social media to online shopping, everything is so much easier and more convenient now. Businesses have also evolved, and it’s amazing what we can accomplish today. The global economy has greatly benefited from advancements in the Internet worldwide.
But, the reality is that the Internet is a rough and scary place for businesses and individuals alike. With everything good in life, there are always people who take advantage of others for their own benefit. The sad reality is that as much as the Internet has changed our lives for the better, it has also introduced significant risks.
We constantly read about security breaches exposing personal information, leading to crimes like identity theft on an unprecedented scale. The elderly population is particularly vulnerable, often losing their life savings to scammers, forever altering their lives. Bad actors exploit the good intentions of people to take advantage of them. Scammers and hackers are well aware that the average person is reluctant to change or adopt good security practices, and they capitalize on this hesitation.
Gone are the days when you could safely navigate the web and trust most of the sites you visit. Today, the scene has changed drastically, requiring people to be extremely cautious about their online activities and adopt better security practices in both their personal and professional lives. The Internet has become a challenging landscape to navigate, and if we don’t change our approach, it’s not a matter of if but when we will be affected.
For both businesses and individuals, the real challenge is finding a balance between security and convenience. Our first inclination is to opt for convenience, but this is precisely what hackers and scammers exploit to take advantage of us. There is no foolproof security, as even big companies like Microsoft, Apple, and United HealthCare can attest.
Often, it seems inconvenient to take the time to configure good password management or adopt multi-factor authentication with our banks. However, this inconvenience is what scammers are counting on to exploit us. The tools to minimize the risk of these incidents are available, but people often refuse to use them. Nowadays, if you get compromised, it’s most likely your fault.
In the business world, we can no longer rely solely on the “IT guys” to take care of security. Now, everyone involved in the business plays a key role in maintaining security. You can have the most advanced firewall and the best access controls, but unless your staff is trained to identify potential security issues, you might as well leave the front door of your business unlocked. Scammers and hackers are adept at using social engineering to exploit your or your staff’s willingness to help, leading to compromised information and significant risks to your business.
Unfortunately, training staff in good security practices and hygiene is often seen by many businesses as a waste of time and an inconvenience—until it’s too late. By then, many have paid a very high price. The sad part is that a good cybersecurity posture is not that complicated. Simple measures like multi-factor authentication and password management can take just a few minutes to set up and provide a solid starting point for protecting your business or personal information.
Yes, the battle is hard and is only going to get worse. But by adopting simple strategies, you can minimize the risk. The responsibility is on each of us to take these steps today, before it’s too late.
Again, it’s on you.
If you want to protect yourself and your business, don’t wait. Start implementing these basic cybersecurity measures now and stay vigilant. For more tips and guidance on improving your cybersecurity, follow our page and stay informed. For a free security assessment contact us today!